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Indigenous Learning - Introduction to Research

Seven Grandfather Teachings - Books

Seven Sacred teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman.

by David Bouchard & Dr. Joseph Martin
Reg E 98 F6B74

The Vision Seeker

by James Whetung
Reg E 99 C6W465

The Good path: Ojibwe learning and activity book for kids.

by Thomas Peacock and Marlene Wisuri
Reg E 99 C6P38

The Mishomis Book: the voice of the Ojibway

by Edward Benton-Banai
Reg E 99 C6B44

Rabbit and Bear Paws Sacred Seven (descriptive website)
by Chad Solomon
Reg E 98 F6S655 (7 volumes)
vol 1:  Respect
vol 2:  Courage
vol 3:  Love
vol 4:  Honesty
vol 5:  Humility
vol 6:  Truth
vol 7:  Wisdom

Adventures of Rabbit and Bear Paws
by Chad Soloman & Christopher Meyer
Reg E 98 F6S654  (6 volumes)

vol 1:  The sugar bush
vol 2:  The voyageurs
vol 3:  True hearts
vol 4:  Tall tale
vol 5:  Bear walker
vol 6:  Council of the animals

Note: link is to volume 1. Each volume must me searched separately.

The Seven Teachings of the Anishinaabe - courage, honesty, humility, love, respect, truth, and wisdom.
by Katherena Vermette

by Reg E 98 F6V47   (7 vols)

C - The first day: a story of courage
H - Misaabe's stories: a story of honesty
H - Singing sisters: a story of humility
L - The just right gift: a story of love
R - Kode's question: a story of respect
T - What is truth, Betsy?: a story of truth
W - Amik loves school: a story of wisdom

Note: link is to volume 1. Each volume must be searched separately.

Achieving Aboriginal student success: a guide for K to 8 classrooms. (contains a chapter on the Seven Grandfather teachings)

By Pamela Rose Toulouse
North E 96.2 T699 2011



The Clan System


A brief history of the ... Anishinabe Clan system functions (NSRC - 5th fl.) E 99 C6S59 1993
A brief history of the Deer Clan = Wa wask kesh shi do diam (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S593 1993
A brief history of the Bear Clan = Ma kwa do daim (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S591 1993
A brief history of the Bird Clan = Benaise dodaim (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S592 1993
A brief history of the Marten Clan = Wa bi zha shi do daim (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S596 1993
A brief history of the Fish Clan = Gi-goon do daim (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S594 1993
A brief history of the Loon and Crane Clan = Mung do diam-a-ji-uk do daim (NSRC - 5th Fl.) E 99 C6S595 1993
Visions of Sitting Eagle, Ojibway Nation (NSRC - 5th fl.) E 99 C6S599 1993

The Medicine Wheel - examples of titles in the collection

Teachings of the Seven Prophets: The Seven Fires