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Literature Review Tips in Education

Researching your Topic

From your home library you will have access to handbooks, encyclopedias and Handbooks to Research.  These can help you to identify core and seminal works in your subject area.  The list below is a selection of titles available through Lakehead University Library - access is available with your Lakehead login credentials. 

Key resources available at Brock University are listed here.

Key resources available at the University of Windsor are listed here.  

Handbooks & Handbooks of Research

Handbooks gather useful concepts, terminology and research related to a specific area in education.   Handbooks of research provide a collection of core research articles in a specific subject area - handbooks of research provide an excellent place to begin your search for research articles.  A selected list of handbooks and handbooks of research (both print and ebook) available through Lakehead University is provided below.  Check the library catalogue of your home institution to determine if these titles are available.