Google Scholar can provide another source for locating scholarly articles for your literature review. To ensure a comprehensive literature search, always use Google Scholar along with other databases specific to your discipline.
Keep these pros and cons in mind when using Google Scholar:
Google offers these features:
the ability to search using one simple search box
the ability to cast a wide search across several different subject areas
useful for locating "grey literature" (for example conference proceedings; dissertations; items in university repositories )
an excellent tool for locating unique search topics
an excellent tool for locating an article by title or a part of a citation
a way to find related articles using the "Cited by" feature
Potential limitations of Google Scholar:
Covers many different subject areas and will not be as comprehensive as a subject specific database
Google does not specify criteria for inclusion of "scholarly" materials
It is not easy to sort or filter results as easily as a database. Cannot narrow by peer-review, by discipline or by full-text content.
Includes articles from questionable/predatory publishers
Advanced search is not as sophisticated as in databases.
It is not a fulltext database. Use the link through your library website. If fulltext is not available, request the article the your library's interlibrary loan/RACER service.