The Deepening Knowledge Project seeks to infuse Aboriginal peoples' histories, knowledges and pedagogies into all levels of education in Canada. The project is a part of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, which is located on the territories of Anishinaabe and Onkwehonwe peoples.
Susan Dion gives a straightforward account of the historical perspective educators need to think about as they work collaboratively to support Aboriginal education. She speaks of the need to be co-learners who approach their participation from a position of respect for Aboriginal world views.
Our mission is to engage students of diverse backgrounds in an examination of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism in order to promote the development of a more humane and informed citizenry (from Website)
The First Peoples Principles of Learning describes a set of learning principles specific to First Peoples. These were articulated by Indigenous Elders, scholars and knowledge keepers to guide the development of the curriculum and teaching of the the English First Peoples course created by the BC Ministry of Education and First Nations Education Steering Committee in 2006/2007.
Traditional teachings from the M'ikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwe, Cree and Blackfoot people are presented through storytelling and accompanying graphics. Teaching resources are provided for each set of teachings.
This website and its many resources are aimed at supporting FNMI students in their educational, career and life endeavours. The Transitions portal website and resources are designed to be used by Education Counsellors, Students, Parents/Guardians, Other Professionals and Communities. It covers strategies (with resources) that are appropriate to each audience in the following transitional areas: preschool to elementary, elementary to secondary, secondary to post-secondary, post-secondary to post-secondary, school to work and school to home. (from website)
Our goal is to bring together teachers, students, parents, administrators and academics to explore and re-imagine ways of improving mathematics education for Indigenous learners.
These sample lesson plans support Education for Reconciliation through the inclusion of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives; treaty education; and residential schools’ experiences, with learning outcomes identified in the current Alberta programs of study.
The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and the First Nations Schools Association, in collaboration with teachers and partners, have developed these Learning First Peoples series of teacher resources to support English Language Arts, Science Social Studies and Mathematics courses.
The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre will be a meaningful and dynamic centre for Mi’kmaw people, and for visitors from across Nova Scotia, Canada and the world. Currently in the planning stages, the Centre will be built in Debert, Nova Scotia—a place where our ancestors lived more than 11,000 years ago, and a place where they still dwell today. The future cultural centre is dedicated to sharing, protecting and exploring the stories and lives of our earliest ancestors and those who have come after them in Mi’kma’ki.
The National Centre for Collaboration in Indigenous Education (NCCIE) is hosted by First Nations University of Canada, which has a 40-year history of being indigenous-owned, operated, and controlled. The Centre is grounded in principles of respect, reciprocity, and relationship, which are understood in Indigenous ways and honoured according to indigenous protocols and customs.
Part of the NCTR mandate is to preserve and make accessible the memory and legacy of the residential school system and the experiences of Survivors and their families for future generations. Includes an extensive "Education" section with teacher resources.
Project of Heart” is an inquiry based, hands-on, collaborative, inter-generational, artistic journey of seeking truth about the history of Aboriginal people in Canada.
Sponsored by the Martin Family Initiative, this repository represents the best practices and lesson plans from across Canada. "This website allows educators, researchers and others to learn from the experiences of others about strategies described elsewhere that have been found to be successful in enhancing learning opportunities and improving educational success for Indigenous students" (from website).