1 globe : colour, acrylic, mounted on plastic base ; 15 cm in diameter. Relief shown by shading and Clear map layout, easy to read, handy and stylish, stable base--Container.
Overall dimensions: Diameter 12 (30 cm) ; Height 16 (40cm) ; Width 13 (33 cm) ; Depth 12 (30 cm).
Raised relief globe.
Relief shown by shading and spot heights; depths shown by shading and soundings.
One of the basic uses of this globe is to find places--cities, nations, land and water areas. Contains more than 4,000 location names and distinctive political boundary markings.
Find places easily--cities, nations, land and water areas. See each place in its geographical position with other places. Contains more than 4,000 location names and distinctive political boundary markings.
Activity and fact guide included.
Explore the earth inside and out--activity guide cover. "Bring the deep layers of our world to light with this unique foam model. The outside surface illustrates both continents and oceans with raised features. Once separated, children discover facts of planet Earth's core. Each brightly colored hemisphere shows its layers, temperatures and depths"--Learning Resources website.
Map Terminology -- The World -- Continent of North America -- North America -- Map of Europe -- Map of Africa -- Map of Antartica -- Map of Australia -- Map of Asia.
The Ontario First Nations map shows the locations of:
-First Nation communities: listed by band number and cultural affiliation (e.g., Algonquin, Cree, Ojibway)
-Tribal Councils (a grouping of bands with common interests who join together to provide advice and programs to their members)
-Reserves (land set aside for bands under the Indian Act and treaty agreements)
-Political organizations (e.g., Union of Ontario Indians,
Grand Council Treaty 3)
-Land covered by specific treaties
-The border shows symbols that have special meaning to First Nations in Ontario.
An online geography game that uses a concept found in lots of map-based games. That concept is to show you the name of a place and then have you guess its location by clicking on a map. Quizzity quizzes you on cities all over the world.