AtoZ Maps Glossaries:
AtoZ Maps includes several Glossaries:
GeoBase Thesaurus Search:
The Thesaurus function helps you to:
The Thesaurus is accessible from the main Search page.
GeoBase Mapping Tool - graphically showing, or mapping, the significant geographic features mentioned in the result set of a search. After running a search, click the Show Map link to display a map of your results. The map plots different geographical data from GEOBASE search results on a digital map using Google map technology.
Database of proprietary, royalty-free world, continent, country, and state maps. Included in the 4,000+ maps are: political maps, physical maps, outline maps, population maps, precipitation maps, climate maps, and other thematic maps. New maps are added to the collection every month.
Google your topic and you are likely to retrieve millions of hits. Unfortunately, you don't have time to go through them, and more than likely they are not academic in nature. How can you limit your search right away to scholarly sources? Choose a database! The databases available on the library's website (sorted by subject) allow you to limit your search to academic sources (also called "peer-reviewed"), so right away, you can eliminate sources you can't use.
Google Scholar, however, will have scholarly sources; be aware that they may not be peer-reviewed. You can also use it if you already have a citation, and want to know if Lakehead has the full-text/access to the article/book.
Google Scholar provides a way to search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
To access Google Scholar from off-campus please do the following:
1)Go to the menu item (top left of the screen) and select Settings
2)Click on Library Links
3)Search for Lakehead in the search box
4)Select " GetIt@Lakehead" by checking off the box
5)Click on Save