A collection of online encyclopedias, dictionaries, articles, images and much more!
The library's academic search tool Omni lets you search both physical and online library materials in one search.
You can login to your Omni account to:
Omni is the library's search tool. It includes both print and online resources.
Once you have searched for results, there are a number of facets that you can use to refine your results and ways to save search results.
Omni may not always be the best place to search - although it has a lot of coverage as the number of results can be overwhelming. It's possible that a really good article is far down the list and you might miss it. Sometimes it is better to use a subject-specific database - Geobase includes a lot of geography-related articles. Multi-disciplinary databases like JSTOR or Web of Science may also give good result. And three databases that tend to have older articles are JSTOR, HeinOnline and Periodicals Archive Online (PAO).
If you find an article useful for your research, you can use Omni's citation trail feature to locate other articles cited in your article (published before your article) and articles that cite your articles (published after your article).