Relevant documents
Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources. Class environmental assessment for timber management on crown lands in Ontario. 1987. Regional SD 146 O5O565 1987
Ontario. Environmental Assessment Board. Hearing of the proposal by the Ministry of Natural Resources for a Class Environmental Assessment for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario: in the matter of the Environmental Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1980. c.140; and, in the matter of the Class Environmental Assessment for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario. 1988-1992. 411 volumes. (silverbacks – transcripts of the hearings) Regional SD 387 E5O5A43
Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources. Index of exhibits from Environmental Assessment Board hearing related to Class Environmental Assessment for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario. 1993 Regional SD 387 E5O5A735 1993
Ontario. Environmental Assessment Board. Reasons for decision and decision: class environmental assessment by the Ministry of Natural Resources for timber management on Crown Lands in Ontario. 1994. Regional SD 387 E5O5A48 1994
Ontario. Ministry of Natural Resources. A Review by the Ministry of Natural Resources regarding the Class Environmental Assessment for Timber Management on Crown Lands in Ontario: MNR’s Timber Class EA Review. 2002 Regional SD 387 E5O685 2002
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Relevant documents
Submission to the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment.
Regional HC 117 O5F34S no. 1-329 (Note: catalogued separately)
Note: Index to the submissions located at Regional HC 117 O5F34E95
Ontario. Interim report of the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment, April 4, 1978. Regional HC 117 O5F2I7 1978
Ontario. Issues Report of the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment. Dec 1978.
Regional HC 117 O5F34I
The economic future of the forest products industry in Northern Ontario / prepared for The Royal Commission on the Northern Environment by Lakehead University. Regional HD 9764 C33O53
Ontario. Final Report and Recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Northern Environment. Regional HC 117 O5F34 1985
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