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Intermediate Senior Technological Education


The Education Libraries on both the Thunder Bay and Orillia campuses support your teaching of Technological Education by offering a wide variety of teaching resources.  See the navigation bar on the left to locate teaching and planning resources. 

If you need assistance: 

In Thunder Bay, please call 807-343-8718 or email
In Orillia, please call 705-330-4010 ext.2252 or email

In-Depth Assistance: 

On the Orillia Campus, contact Chris Tomasini (
On the Thunder Bay Campus, contact Gisella Scalese (

Check the Education Libraries website for the most up to date hours. 


A Selection of Technological Education Titles Available at the Education Libraries

How to Find Resources in Omni

Lakehead's OMNI search system (the search box on the library homepage), allows you to search for books, ebooks, articles, and more. Using the OMNI system, you can also request books held at other Lakehead library locations, and even other Ontario university libraries, be sent to your local library desk for pick-up. You can also place requests for scanned excerpts from print resources.

A number of search tips for using OMNI can be found on the Getting Started with OMNI guide.

The OMNI Advanced search area is shown below.











In OMNI Advanced Search, select "Lakehead Library" , then you can use the right side "Material Type" filter to ask to see only Books & eBooks results. You could also use this to limit to only journal articles. 

The buttons along the top allow you to choose where to search.  Lakehead Library + Omni Libraries includes print and electronic books at Lakehead, and also print books at other Ontario partner libraries; Lakehead Library includes print and electronic books at Lakehead (Thunder Bay + Orillia); Articles and more is any online resource such as ebooks and online journal articles. 

Searching with keywords

To find resources, you can type in keywords related to your topic.  For example, to search for resources on classroom management at a high school level search as outlined below: 

On the 1st Line, enter:   "classroom management" (using the quotation marks, in order to search for this as a phrase and not as individual keywords)

On the 2nd Line, enter"   secondary OR "high school" (enter similar words/synonyms/phrases on one line to search for books which might use either one of these words / phrases, to represent the idea of secondary school students).

Please note - if there is an exact book title that you are looking for, you can change Any Field on the left to Title, and enter your book title, for a more accurate search.

Hit Search!

When your search results are displayed, you can filter your results with the options on the left side.

Available Online = filter your results to show e-resources only

Available in Lakehead Library =  filter your results to show print and ebooks available at Lakehead only (excluding other Ontario university libraries).

Lakehead Library = displays books by location, i.e. the Education Library in Thunder Bay, or the Harvie Legacy Library at Orillia University Avenue.