Looking for definitions of terms or background information on one or more topics?
The following books for outdoor recreation, parks and tourism are available online. Simply log in off campus using your LU email username and password.
Additional dictionaries and encyclopedias are searchable through the following databases:
Offering more than 1,200 highly regarded titles from over 80 publishers, Credo Reference covers every major subject. Includes encyclopedias, dictionaries, chronologies, images, websites, etc.
Brings together language and subject reference works from one of the world's biggest reference publishers into a single cross-searchable resource. It contains over 180 works in over 20 different subjects. 2-5 simultaneous users.
Doing local research? You might want to check out the Regional Collection in Nanda Gikendan Gamik (Chancellor Paterson Library). Nanda Gikendan Gamik is located on the 5th floor.
The Regional Collection is comprised of resources that have a local and regional focus and contain the following geographic areas: the City of Thunder Bay, neighboring communities, and the greater areas of Northwestern Ontario and Northeastern Ontario.
More information on Nanda Gikendan Gamik and its collections.