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EDUC 2430 Education Research and Data Analysis

Getting Started

This library guide for EDUC 2430 is intended to provide you with some starting points for  locating different types of information.   Most of these resources and tools to find them are available through the Lakehead University Library website

Each tab on the left side of this guide will provide you with starting points and online guides and video tutorials so that you can easily locate these resources.

Have fun searching!

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Types of Information Resources

Type of Resource How and Where to Find
Books /  Ebooks Scholarly books provide a comprehensive overview of a topic. Books can be available in print, online or audio.  At Lakehead University you can search for books with Omni.
Scholarly Journal Articles

Journals are published at regular intervals, usually monthly, bimonthly quarterly or other.  Articles in scholarly journals are written by researchers in a specific subject area. Find scholarly journal articles with a journal database.

Popular Magazine Articles

Magazine articles are geared toward a more general audience and usually deal with issues in popular culture.   Find magazine articles with an article database that includes magazine articles.

Trade Magazine Articles Trade magazine articles are meant for a specific profession and articles are geared towards trends and issues in that profession.   Find trade magazine articles with a subject specific article database that includes trade journals.
Newspapers Newspaper articles can provide information on current events and local information.  Use a newspaper database available through Lakehead University such as Canadian Major Dailies.
Encyclopedias Use encyclopedias for short, reliable background information, for short biographies and statistics.  Subject specific online encyclopedias are available through Lakehead University. 
Government Documents Government documents are written by local, provincial and federal levels of government.  They are authoritative, credible sources of information to use in research.  Many government documents are available online by searching Omni or online through the government department websites. 
Websites Websites can be a great source of up to date information.  Government agencies, colleges and universities, non profit organizations often provide information freely on the web.  All websites must be evaluated for currency, accuracy, purpose, bias and intention.

This is a list of the most often cited and used types of information resource.   Please note that other information resource types that are available.