Art/Research International is a forum dedicated to exploring and advancing art as and/or within the research process across disciplines and internationally.
The Canadian Review of Art Education: Research and Issues/ Revue canadienne d’éducation artistique : Recherche et questions d'actualité artistique is a refereed journal, published annually by The Canadian Society for Education through Art. Its readers include members in Canada, the United States, and many other countries around the world. We invite theoretical and research-based submissions, as well as dialogues, commentaries, and artistic interludes, which address issues related to art education.
The International Journal of Arts Education explores teaching and learning through and about the arts, including arts practices, performance studies, art history, and digital media. The journal is part of The Arts in Society Journal Collection. This collection offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement, examination, and experimentation, developing ideas that connect the arts to their contexts in the world – on stage, in studios and theaters, in classrooms, in museums and galleries, on the streets, and in communities. We seek to build an epistemic community to make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. The journal collection is defined by our Research Network scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.
The International Journal of Education & the Arts currently serves as an open access platform for scholarly dialogue. Our commitment is to the highest forms of scholarship invested in the significances of the arts in education and the education within the arts. As editors, our personal goal is to create a communal space in which to incite productive dialogue revealing the potential of the arts within education through all forms of inquiry. The journal primarily publishes peer reviewed research-based field studies including, among others, aesthetics, art theory, music education, visual arts education, media education, drama education, dance education, education in literature, and narrative and holistic integrated studies that cross or transcend these fields.
The International Journal of New Media, Technology, and the Arts explores technologies of arts production and reproduction old and new, including photography, film, video, multimedia, and the Internet.
JCACS is the journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies (CACS), which is a constituent association of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). JCACS publishes articles in both French and English that address curriculum issues of interest to Canada and Canadians and an international readership. As the one domain of educational discourse that originated from and is particular to education, curriculum studies is here understood broadly—not simply as a consideration of mandated programs of study, but as a theorization of those complex structures within which teaching and learning occur. Since the first issue was published online in Spring 2003, the journal has contributed in significant ways to expanding notions of what “curriculum studies” might mean and what it might include.
LEARNing LandscapesTM Journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, online education journal supported by LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network). Published in the spring of each year, it attempts to make links between theory and practice and is built upon the principles of partnership, collaboration, inclusion, and attention to multiple perspectives and voices.