It is important and also part of PRISMA to carefully document the following:
Why search subject-specific databases like those listed below?
It is important to search two or more databases to avoid selection bias.
Below is a select list of subject-specific databases:
Health and Medicine
Social Sciences
Advanced Search Tips:
Consult the Help pages for each database to learn more about the advanced search options available.
Search Hedges
What are they?
Search Hedges are standardized search strategies that can help you save time.
How do you find them?
Tip: Some search hedges may be older and require updating
Hand Searching
Searching in individual journals
How can you do this?
Searching for references related to a specific article.
Reverse or Backward Snowballing - looking at the references cited in the article.
Forward Snowballing - looking for articles that have cited a specific article.
How can you do this?
According to A Dictionary of Public Health, grey literature is:
Unpublished papers and reports, academic dissertations, etc., that by common agreement are of sufficient quality to be reliable, verifiable, and acceptable sources of original observations for citation purposes.
Porta, M., & Last, J. M. L. M. (2018). Gray literature. In J. M. Last (Ed.), A Dictionary of Public Health. Oxford University Press.
Guides to finding grey literature: