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Primary Junior Social Studies, History and Geography

Changing Family & Community Traditions / Global Communities

In Grade 2 Social Studies, students will develop their understanding of their local community and begin to examine the global community.  Students will explore a variety of traditions within their families and their local communities, developing an understanding of how these traditions contribute to and enrich their own community and Canadian society.  They will also study communities around the world, developing an awareness of the relationship between location, climate, physical features, and how people live in various communities.  (Ministry of Education, The Ontario Curriculum, Social Studies Grades 1 to 6; History and Geography Grades 7 and 8, 2018). 

This listing provides you with a selection of teaching resources for the Grade 2 social studies topics/strands available in the libraries at Lakehead University.  Click on a title to determine its location and availability.  Additional materials are available. Please ask library staff for assistance.

K-12 Ebooks are also available through the Library K-12 Ebook Collections tab on this guide.