The latest version of the Chicago manual of style is available online.
The base format for a simple bibliographical citation for a book is:
Last name, First name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.
For a journal article:
Last name, First name. “Title of article.” Title of journal volume number, issue number or month (year): pagination, doi or URL (if applicable)
See more examples of books here and examples of articles here.
Maps can be found in a wide range of formats both physical and online. The Chicago manual of style (17 ed.) has a brief section about citing maps.
More examples and citation advice can be found at the Ohio Wesleyan University's guide and from NCSU's guide.
The latest version is the 7th edition available in print at these locations. There is a short section on maps on p. 347 and the APA has a blog highlighting topics about writing along with this Quick Reference Guide.
The basic format for a book in APA7 is:
Author_last_name, Author_first_initial(s). (date). Title. (edition or volume number) Publisher. doi (if available)
(note: place of publication is no longer required for books and book chapters)
The basic format for an article is:
Author_last_name, Author_first_initial(s). (date). Title of article. Title of journal, vol.(issue), start_page-last_page. doi or link
The basic format for a map is:
Cartographer_last_name, Cartographer_first_initial(s) (or use the name of an organization). Title [Map]. Publisher. link or doi (if available)
In APA7, scale of the map is no longer required