Statistics Canada`s guide to data sources for administrative and longitudinal data and cross-sectional and postcensal surveys.
What is the Census?
The census is Canada's largest and most comprehensive data source. Every five years Statistics Canada collects demographic and linguistic information for the population of Canada. The Census provides population and dwelling counts for Canada and also for each province and territory, and smaller geographic areas such as cities and towns and smaller areas within some larger cities. Background information on the census is available in Statistics Canada's Overview of the Census.
Highlight tables are available for various topics for the 2011 Census:
Up to and including the 2006 Census two forms were sent to Canadians: the short form and the long form. In 2011, the mandatory long form Census was discontinued and replaced by the voluntary National Household Survey (NHS).
As a result of the different methodology used, the data from the basic mandatory short form Census and the new NHS cannot be combined. Likewise, caution is advised in comparing data from the 2011 NHS and earlier Censuses.
What is the National Household Survey?
The National Household Survey (NHS) is a new supplementary (voluntary) survey to the Census which has replaced the long form Census.
Data from the 2011 Census and the 2011 National Household Survey cannot be combined. Likewise, caution is advised in comparing data from the 2011 NHS and earlier Censuses.