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Library Guide for Joint PhD in Educational Studies Program

Ontario Education Information and Links

In Canada, Education is the responsibility of the provinces and territories.   The ministers responsible for education in the provinces and territories come together as the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, CMEC,  to discuss or take action on matters of mutual interest.  (From the CMEC website).  Links to the provincial and territorial departments of Education are also available on the CMEC website.

Ontario Ministry of Education

(MOE) is responsible for delivering early years, child care and publicly funded education from kindergarten to Grade 12 in Ontario.  The role of the MOE is to:

  • Develop policy and programs to support child care and early years programs for children and families.
  • Make sure child care settings are safe and follow the law by funding, licensing and inspecting licensed child care providers.
  • Fund and provide guidelines for the delivery of core services at EarlyON child and family centres.
  • Fund and oversee publicly funded elementary and secondary school education.
  • Develop and publish curriculum documents and teaching resources for Kindergarten to Grade 12.
  • Set provincial standards and guidelines for all assessment, evaluation and reporting for all students who attend public or private schools in Ontario.
  • Oversees and sets policies for the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO), which administers provincial assessments to help improve student learning in reading, writing and math.
  • Set requirements for student diplomas and certificates.
  • Provide funding to build new schools and expand, retrofit or repair existing schools.
  • Operate schools for blind, deaf and deafblind students.
  • Register and inspect private schools that offer credits toward an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).

Ontario College of Teachers

(OCT) The Ontario College of Teachers was created after the Ontario government passed legislation to allow the teaching profession to regulate itself.    In its 1994 report For the Love of Learning, Ontario’s Royal Commission on Learning believed that “the teaching profession in Ontario must now be considered equal to other established professions.” It recommended establishing the Ontario College of Teachers.  In 1997, the Ontario government passed legislation to enable the teaching profession to regulate itself.

The teaching profession in Ontario, through its College:

  • sets the requirements for entering teaching
  • certifies qualified teachers
  • develops and maintains ethical standards and standards of practice
  • accredits teacher education programs and courses to ensure consistent high quality in the preparation of teachers
  • disciplines those who breach provincial standards for conduct in teaching
Respecting the principle of First Nations control of First Nations education, First Nations, and organizations designated by First Nations, are responsible for managing and delivering education programs and services for students who are ordinarily living on reserve. Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) provides funding for students who ordinarily live on reserve, are 4 to 21 years of age, and are enrolled in and attending an eligible elementary or secondary program (from Website)

Ontario Education Organizations

Ontario Education Guidelines, Standards & Other Information

Canadian and International Education Organizations