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Looking for books in Kinesiology?

Below are a series of call number ranges you can browse to find books in Kinesiology and related subjects.

GV 201 - GV 555 Physical Education and Training

GV 706.4 Sports Psychology

GV 711 Coaching

GV 712 - GV 1198 Sports

QM 100 - GV 105 Anatomy (muscle-skeletal)

QP 301 Physiology of Exercise / Kinesiology

RC 1200 - RC 1245 Sports and Medicine

RJ 51 - RJ 53 Exercise Therapy

RM 695 - RM 950 Physical Therapy


Using Subject Headings


Try any of these subject headings to start your search in Omni. Just change the pull-down box on the left from Any field to Subject.  Then change Material Type to Books & eBooks


Applied kinesiology

Athletic ability - testing



Coaching (athletics)


Human mechanics


Musculoskeletal system

Sports - physiological aspects

Sports - psychological aspects

Sports injuries