Engagement with International Law is notably absent in Canada's legal past. It is likely, however, to be a momentous part of Canada's legal future. In Using International Law in Canadian Courts, Gib van Ert argues that a lack of basic international legal understanding on the part of lawyers and judges is no longer permissible in the integrated world in which we live, and that we must educate ourselves better if we are to manage that integration process in the interests of Canadian society.
This important book provides a comprehensive analysis of good-fit and home-grown approaches for advancing business and human rights norms across Africa. It explores the latest developments in law, regulations, policies, and governance structures across the continent, focusing on key legal innovations in response to human rights impacts of business operations and activities. (Chapter 10: Human Rights, business enterprises and tenure security in Cameroon by Semie Sama)
Essential Texts in International Law draws together the most important documents needed for the study of international law in a uniquely handy, user-friendly format.
Where contemporary developments have significantly altered the implementation methods of, and relationship between, human rights law and international humanitarian law, this timely book looks at the future challenges of protecting human rights during and after armed conflicts. Leading scholars use critical case studies to shed light on new approaches used by international courts and experts to balance these two bodies of law.
This text examines key concepts in international law in order to illuminate them in the context of inetrnational relations. The first part of the book covers theoretical issues. The second part examines international law in context, including case-study material and the Pinochet litigation.
The second edition of Public International Law Provides a systematic introduction to the international legal system, including its key structural and institutional aspects as well as its core substantive topics.
This is the eighth edition of Sir Ian Brownlie's classic distillation of public international law. Serving as a single volume introduction to the field as a whole, the book seeks to present international law as a system that is based on, and helps structure, relations among states and otherentities at the international level.
This book provides a critical history of influential women in the United Nations and seeks to inspire empowerment with role models from bygone eras. The women whose voices this book presents helped shape UN conventions, declarations, and policies with relevance to the international human rights of women throughout the world today. From the founding of the UN up until the Latin American feminist movements that pushed for gender equality in the UN Charter, and the Security Council Resolutions on the role of women in peace and conflict, the volume reflects on how women delegates from different parts of the world have negotiated and disagreed on human rights issues related to gender within the UN throughout time.
Making Endless War is built on the premise that any attempt to understand how the content and function of the laws of war changed in the second half of the twentieth century should consider two major armed conflicts, fought on opposite edges of Asia, and the legal pathways that link them together across time and space. The Vietnam and Arab-Israeli conflicts have been particularly significant in the shaping and attempted remaking of international law from 1945 right through to the present day.