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Indigenous Learning - Introduction to Research

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Ayaangwaamizin: the International Journal of Indigenous Philosophy

Ayaangwaamizin is a refereed academic journal devoted to the examination of Indigenous thought. Its existence is a recognition of the growing number of Indigenous scholars who are engaged in critically examining the ideas and concepts in their own cultural traditions as well as in others.  The title chosen for the journal, Ayaangwaamizin, is drawn from the Anishnabe language. Translated literally, it is usually read as "to go carefully", "to tread carefully".  But beyond this superficial meaning is the idea that the actions of persons have consequences for a larger whole.  The term is used in a context that assumes the meaningfulness of existence and action - we do not live in a "neutral" universe that exists beyond and outside ourselves.  We are a part of the fabric of the universe.  (Description included in the journal. Publisher:  Lakehead University, Northern and Regional Studies Committee)

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